Thanks to Dana Jackson Photography for this beautiful video!
My first day!

Mommy's first time holding me
More special times

Holding Mommy's hand

Blowing bubbles

My CPAP machine helping me breath (and mommy's hand)

I sleep just like Mommy!

First Bath!

more baths

First Bottle!

One Month Old!

My first Christmas

Joe the Elf on the Shelf

Mom decorated our room at the hospital with a Christmas tree

and another....

My first Christmas tree at the condo with my beautiful ornaments from all of you that love me!


Grandpa's upside down smile :)

My big bright eyes

They tell me I have to leave my friends in Wilmington. What am I going to do???

I don't want to leave....

Some of the wonderful staff and life long friends at New Hanover Medical Center's NICU:
Dr. D and Haley. Two months old already!

Barbara, Mommy and Diane Keaton :)

Barbara rubbing my hair... boy do I LOVE that!





Kim H

We're off to CHOP:
My first plane ride!

and we arrive

Prep for surgery

After surgery the poor little guy is puffy from extra fluid in his system. They are giving him Lasix, a diuretic, to get it out of his body.

Little angel with his big belly.... chemo is on its way to attack that cancer!

Joe BIden - saying prayers for Jude and talking about converting to Republican so he can be on Jude's campaign!
Let's also pray for his son Beau who is fighting cancer.

Please pray for Sweet Baby Jude.

A beautiful picture from my cousin Halie!


Uncle Ed has Jude and Mommy "up in lights" in Time Square... now even more people will be praying for him!!!

2/10/14 Before surgery

After surgery, with his "silo"

Cancer sucks!!!!!!!!

Thank you to Colleen for our beautiful prayer blanket xo

Thank you Aunt Dawn, we love our St Jude doll!!!!!!!!

Thank you to Luke and Miss OHara's 4th Grade Class at Manasquan Elementry. You are all so special!!!